GlobalTalk - Global AppleTalk network for MARCHintosh 2024 (and beyond!)


Oct 13, 2022
Has anyone tried using TashRouter to router between a local EtherTalk network and GlobalTalk instead of using Apple Internet Router?

Edit: I'm not sure if the AIR "IP Tunnel" feature is supported in TashRouter. A quick look indicates it is not, and would have to be built as a new port type in TashRouter, though there would be other handy uses for tunneling over IP so it may be a worthwhile endeavor.
The protocol in question is AURP, documented here. Implementing it in TashRouter would be a fairly significant undertaking, but should be doable... it'd likely just be another subclass of Port, alongside the ones that support TashTalk, LToUDP, and EtherTalk. If anyone's interested in taking it on, I'm happy to help.

jack 68k

New Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Madison, Wisconsin
Is anyone else seeing gobbledygook in their Apple Internet Router Log? I see the same message repeated over and over again so I'm thinking something is pointing to an incorrect memory location rather than it being something like a character encoding issue. Seeing this kind of thing always makes me feel like a crash is imminent, but it has been fine for days. Originally I thought it was due to having Netatalk2 on the same network but I think I've ruled that out.

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New Tinkerer
Mar 27, 2024
Is anyone else seeing gobbledygook in their Apple Internet Router Log?
From the chatter on Mastodon, it seems like that happens when you are running MacTCP 2 instead of 1.1.1. It *appears* to be harmless as a lot of people have been running it like that all month.

I'm on 1.1.1 and not seeing it so I have one question. If you scroll all the way to the right (or look in the log text file), is there any readable text over there?

jack 68k

New Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Madison, Wisconsin
From the chatter on Mastodon, it seems like that happens when you are running MacTCP 2 instead of 1.1.1. It *appears* to be harmless as a lot of people have been running it like that all month.

I'm on 1.1.1 and not seeing it so I have one question. If you scroll all the way to the right (or look in the log text file), is there any readable text over there?

Indeed I am on MacTCP 2.0.6 (System 7.5.5). There isn't any readable text over to the right, but there are a few normal-looking entries in the log too, as seen here.

Oct 15, 2021

In the interest of making #GlobalTalk easier to sign up for, please enjoy this Google form. Please keep in mind that the approval process is still manual, BUT hopefully having a form makes it easier to track requests and eliminate people making requests from mobile not seeing all the required questions (thus them being accidentally denied access). The goal is to let everyone participate. Your patience and grace is greatly appreciated.

Please be sure to check out the GlobalTalk Guide:

If you have trouble signing up, please reach out to Ron (tyrantulas at google dot com). Thanks!


Nov 1, 2021
I have run Globaltalk with LC475, Q650 and IIsi. I want LC475 and Q650 keep safe not running 24/7. The IIsi had heat problem as the IIsi fan broke (stopped working) and the Ethernet NuBus card is extremely hot. I want to try it with Power Mac 6100 and Sys 7.1.2 but the Router is not compatible with it just crashed at boot. Is it possible to do Globaltalk with first generation of Power Macs? Could it be possible run it with this software like Liaison or IPNetRouter?


New Tinkerer
Mar 27, 2024
If you install MacsBug, does it give any clue as to where it's crashing on boot (e.g. in the left-hand side process name)?

To get AIR running on System 7.5 on my 040, I had to ditch a bunch of extensions that AIR installed (e.g. all the SNMP ones) as well as revert some other extensions it clobbered (like Shared Library Manager and the System file itself) since those crashed on boot. Maybe similar trimming can help on PPC?

jack 68k

New Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Madison, Wisconsin
If you install MacsBug, does it give any clue as to where it's crashing on boot (e.g. in the left-hand side process name)?

To get AIR running on System 7.5 on my 040, I had to ditch a bunch of extensions that AIR installed (e.g. all the SNMP ones) as well as revert some other extensions it clobbered (like Shared Library Manager and the System file itself) since those crashed on boot. Maybe similar trimming can help on PPC?

Ditto having to disable the SNMP extensions or I was getting a crash on startup on 7.5.5 (on a IIfx i.e. 68030). These are the extensions to disable:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 20.09.48.png

Also, @slomacuser are you using Open Transport networking? Apple Internet Router is not compatible. If you installed it, it's possible to switch back to Classic Networking using the Network Software Selector application that's installed in Apple Extras (or on the install CD image). Having Open Transport enabled will also crash on startup before you see any extension icons.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 20.09.39.png
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