I did a lot of testing and I reported that to
@phipli via PM. I also spoke to Mustermann, who is the gentleman who kick started the whole software overclock project.
Basically, what I found was that benchmark results were mostly the same as Spicy (on my 575 board) at the same clock speed, except for Video. Video scores were lower than Spicy when using Soft 475 Overclock. However, I found the magic sauce that really turbo charges everything, including video in the Advanced settings:
The secret sauce pertains to those Min and Max fields. If you're satisfied with the overclock performance and don't mind the slight video performance hit relative to Spicy, just leave those Advanced settings alone and enjoy what you have. That's really what Phipli recommends. But when I changed them from the default 3 down to 1, it was like Mad Max flipping on the Turbo Charger. I kid you not. Even with the clock speed set to 49.29MHz, with Min=Max=1, I suddenly started to get benchmark scores close to what I got with Spicy running at 51.6MHz. And let me tell you, Spicy didn't allow me to run at 51.6MHz for very long either.
Mustermann told me that the Min & Max fields "choose a set of values for different registers" and "influence wait states of RAM, VRAM and ROM.
If you choose a lower value, you may reduce wait states, operate RAM or ROM or VRAM out of specifications but may reach higher performance."
But it's important to keep in mind that I optimized my 575 motherboard for high overclocks using Spicy long ago, including:
1. Use of OS-CON caps for the lowest ESR (even so, Phipli said he can reach 50MHz even with Tantalum caps)
2. Replaced VRAM with a fast 60ns SIMM.
Fast VRAM matters a lot! But since I have that, the remaining bottlenecks are ROM and soldered RAM speeds. My soldered RAM is 70ns, and my 32MB RAM SIMM is 60ns.
It has been suggested that if the motherboard RAM could be removed or disabled, then the overall RAM speed would then be the RAM SIMM speed, which is 10ns faster. And in terms of the ROM, I soldered in a ROM socket on my 575 board and have an engineering sample ROM made by
@Jockelill which is rated for 55ns. If that ROM could be reprogrammed to somehow disable the motherboard RAM (thereby eliminating the need to desolder it), then those remaining bottlenecks could be largely eliminated, possibly allowing a further boost to the maximum "sustainable" clock speed.
With that said...
- Serial ports stop working at between 44 & 45MHz.
- System 7.6.1 & OS 8.1 only boot reliably up to 47MHz, even when using Advanced Min=Max=1 settings.
- System 7.1 & 7.5.5 will boot reliably up to 49.43MHz. I often get a black screen at 50MHz or higher. But Phipli says 50MHz is table for him.
- If you have a IIe Card installed, you must disable 32-bit Addressing, and that disables the overclock.
I've been planning to do a video about the Soft 475 Overclock, but I've been busy with another video, and the amount of technical detail involved is pretty intense, so I still need to figure out how in the world I'm going to convey it to the world in an easy-to-understand way. But for now, I hope these added details will help some of you get more enjoyment out of the Software Overclock.