Recent content by Andy

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Andy

    Knock down WorkStation built overtop Futon Loft . . .

    Ha! That's quite clever.
  2. Andy

    eMate 300 Restoration progress—My notes and your advice

    Wow that's really great! Thanks for doing the test and reporting back. Also thank you for all your tips. I probably won't get around to working on the eMate for ...awhile, but I have this bookmarked for future reference.
  3. Andy

    eMate 300 Restoration progress—My notes and your advice

    What a happy looking eMate! I'm very curious about doing this myself, but have been a little wary about buying and soldering batteries. How is the battery life? Any tips you think are important to follow?
  4. Andy

    Pascal pages missing from Think Pascal 4.0 User manual

    Cool. I'll see what i can do, but no guarantee on timeline. It would be really nice to have that pdf complete
  5. Andy

    Pascal pages missing from Think Pascal 4.0 User manual

    I have a physical copy of the manual, but I don't have any way of actually scanning it. Pages 71-102 cover the last page of the desk accessory tutorial, how to use the text editor and settings, and the start of the Project window. I think most of that you could figure out by referencing the...
  6. Andy

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    It's pretty cool, they made the ROM forward compatible. I don't know how the ROM works in depth, but i assume the System Software is calling mouse routines and whatnot in the ROM that then call the ADB Manager. Key Caps shows the original keyboard, but everything lights up, and stuff like the...
  7. Andy

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Yes I can confirm that my SE FDHD works with early system software. I found an image of System 0.97 with Finder 1.0, copied it to an 800k floppy formatted Single Sided, and it booted right up from the internal drive. I don't think there are any compatibility issues with the SWIM SE. I don't...
  8. Andy

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    I have an SE FDHD and I have booted it into System 1.0 running via Floppy Emu before. I can test it today on a real floppy to verify, but I'm pretty sure the SWIM and the newer ROM work fine with old System Software.
  9. Andy

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    It really stood out to me in the original recording too. So much so that I dug out my SE and ran Tetris on it to verify. I noticed you were running System 7 and I wonder if there's a background task causing the stuttering. On my SE with 2.5 megs of memory, running System 6.0.8 without Multi...
  10. Andy

    Classic Marathon on Steam

    And if you want to run it on your old Mac you can always download the original version here
  11. Andy

    System sounds in Sys6

    I haven't tried it, but it looks like the app Now Hear This might be able to open System 7 sound files in System 6.
  12. Andy

    Converting DaynaPORT E/LC-M from coax to 10base-T

    Nicely done! I've come across coax only populated cards in the past and always wondered how difficult they would be to add the missing TP parts.
  13. Andy

    Mac SE FPD board connector

    Here's what i was able to trace out. External Pin (facing connector) Color Internal Pin (from top of card) 5 Orange 2 4 Red 4 3 Black 5 1 Clear (bundled with Black) 8 2 Black (bundled with Clear) 9 I'm not sure what the functions of each pin are. I can guess that the...
  14. Andy

    Mac SE FPD board connector

    I have an SE/30 Full Page Display board that i haven't gotten to work yet, but it did come with the external connector bracket. Does you ribbon cable and connector look like this? Let me see if i can trace the wires...
  15. Andy

    MacEffects Clear Macintosh SE Programmer's Switch

    Very nicely done! I think i will be trying this method myself.