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  1. Andy

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    It really stood out to me in the original recording too. So much so that I dug out my SE and ran Tetris on it to verify. I noticed you were running System 7 and I wonder if there's a background task causing the stuttering. On my SE with 2.5 megs of memory, running System 6.0.8 without Multi...
  2. Andy

    Classic Marathon on Steam

    And if you want to run it on your old Mac you can always download the original version here
  3. Andy

    System sounds in Sys6

    I haven't tried it, but it looks like the app Now Hear This might be able to open System 7 sound files in System 6.
  4. Andy

    Converting DaynaPORT E/LC-M from coax to 10base-T

    Nicely done! I've come across coax only populated cards in the past and always wondered how difficult they would be to add the missing TP parts.
  5. Andy

    Mac SE FPD board connector

    Here's what i was able to trace out. External Pin (facing connector) Color Internal Pin (from top of card) 5 Orange 2 4 Red 4 3 Black 5 1 Clear (bundled with Black) 8 2 Black (bundled with Clear) 9 I'm not sure what the functions of each pin are. I can guess that the...
  6. Andy

    Mac SE FPD board connector

    I have an SE/30 Full Page Display board that i haven't gotten to work yet, but it did come with the external connector bracket. Does you ribbon cable and connector look like this? Let me see if i can trace the wires...
  7. Andy

    MacEffects Clear Macintosh SE Programmer's Switch

    Very nicely done! I think i will be trying this method myself.
  8. Andy

    MacEffects Clear Macintosh SE Programmer's Switch

    I have one that is bent in the exact same way. One is straight, the other bent. Was thinking about heating it up and gently bending it back. Or, if it snaps off, using epoxy to reattach in the right position.
  9. Andy

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    This is such a cool project. My SE and I are looking forward to it as well. It would be cute to make a little badge that fits in the front panel like the old contemporary accelerators did.