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  1. David Cook

    Transfering files through USB to vintage compact macs

    Good advice and video. This year, I wrote an application that combines the BinHex (.hqx) file converter and communication software. It works on all Macintosh computers from System 1 to System 9, including emulators. And, like in the video, you can use any terminal application on a PC or modern...
  2. David Cook

    Apple IIc mouse compatibility: some details, schematics, and a chip swap to fix compatibility

    That's incredible! Good write up. Thank you for sharing this.
  3. David Cook

    Maxintosh II What is this resistor for?

    Just to be clear, the modem port will work fine. That resistor is part of the board as shipped by Apple. So, don't remove it.
  4. David Cook

    Maxintosh II What is this resistor for?

    That is R8 100K which pulls RXD+ high (to 5V) on the modem port. This would provide a default signal to prevent electrical noise from being interpreted as incoming data. The modem port is serviced by an interrupt (unlike the printer port in early Macs), and thus false incoming data could...
  5. David Cook

    Asynchronous HFS+ File Reads Under Classic Mode

    I'm surprised (pleasantly) that it works in OS 9. BTW, I noticed that async calls to the serial driver cause Basilisk II to stutter.
  6. David Cook

    Asynchronous HFS+ File Reads Under Classic Mode

    Inside Macintosh claims the SCSI manager is not capable of asynchronous operation. Furthermore, any call that requires a memory allocation also does not work asynchronously. When you pre-read the file using Resourcerer, it is likely fitting into the cache. This would avoid calls to the SCSI...
  7. David Cook

    68k New application: Tiny Transfer (BinHex .hqx conversion and file transfer)

    Yes, I strongly considered it. Zmodem definitely has higher performance than Xmodem, as well as the ability to continue an interrupted file transfer from where it left off. The power of Zmodem is that it uses a file offset rather than arbitrary packet numbers with ack/nak. That way you can tell...
  8. David Cook

    68k New application: Tiny Transfer (BinHex .hqx conversion and file transfer)

    Hello everyone, For bulk file copying on older Macs, nothing beats emulated hardware such as Floppy Emu, MacSD, ZuluSCSI, and so on. However, for sending small files back and forth, swapping the micro SD card in and out can feel a bit like sneakernet. I've written a small application that runs...
  9. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    Awesome! That is so much better. I have no doubt that if we can hear the difference (we can) then we can measure the difference. Here are the other steps from my earlier post. Basically, the methodology is to find pairs of test points up and down the sound chain. Hopefully, by comparing the...
  10. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    I've figured it out. It's the vertical scale you've set both your probes to. Try 1V or maybe even 500 mV per division.
  11. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    Good video. Don't give up. Something is just not right about the noise floor on your oscilloscope. There is no way there is basically a 1V difference between your two probes. Could you email Rigol support and ask what the expected level should be for your scope in A-B math mode? I think we need...
  12. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    Although the setup looks correct, the 800 mV noise floor is freaking me out. It should be an order of magnitude lower. Am I being tricked by the 10x probe? In any case, you definitely see the difference in the final two images from the scope. Even if the scale is off or the base noise is higher...
  13. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    I have edited my prior message to now say 'math-subtract' mode to avoid confusion for future readers. Originally, I used the word 'differential' which may not be the right terminology.
  14. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    Your Rigol scope is perfect for this test. For this, we care about the scope feature, not the probes. I assume both of your probes are in 10:1 configuration? Put the CH1 probe on U15B pin 12. Put the CH2 probe on U15C pin 12. I guess connect the ground of both probes together. Funny, I haven't...
  15. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    I suspect the LCD electrical noise is being injected (or not filtered) in the above area of the circuit. Here's what I would check: 1. Obviously look carefully for loose pins or corrosion in this area. I suspect you've already done this. Any resistance on the ground or power supply connections...
  16. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    My hope is that if you can reproduce this on demand by varying the pixels on the display, it: 1. May help you follow the noise through the circuit. 2. May suggest a problem with the LCD grounding/filtering 3. May suggest there is a grounding or filtering issue on the sound circuit, as opposed to...
  17. David Cook

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    Feedback from the LCD driver rather than the code that is running? Notice that the sound changes exactly as the screen changes images. "Welcome to Macintosh" (whine changes) "gray before Finder appears" (whine changes) "Finder window appears" (whine changes) "Chooser appears" (whine changes)...
  18. David Cook

    Immutable Characteristic: Transness

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. One of the things I've learned to value the most in life is when someone is willing to share their perspective with you, particularly on deep and sensitive topics. There is no greater human gift. Not at all. Your post is genuine and positive. - David P.S...
  19. David Cook

    Immutable Characteristic: Transness

    Similar to nearly everyone on this forum, I enjoy talking about old computers and I am kind to others. If you are like that, then you are my friend. This hobby takes me away from the stresses of politics, social issues, and global conflicts. I would be less likely to participate in any group...
  20. David Cook

    CodeWarrior Sending and receiving messages between two apps

    If you control the applications, you could always just register a gestalt value that contains a pointer to a buffer or callback methods. Edit: I now see you want to do it over a network and not within the same machine.