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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Drake

    Phillips Discoverer 14S11B Overhaul

    The Philips discoverer was created in an international competition to celebrate the first Nasa shuttle launch. It remains a notable emblem of technological advancement in its era. With its sleek design inspired by Nasa's helmets and innovative features, the 14S11B model captured the imagination...
  2. Drake

    LC series laser cut case

    I had an orphan LCII motherboard sent my way recently that was more than happy to be alive after some trace repairs and a recap. I also happened to have a spare PSU from a customer that had no home. But I didn't have a case! what to do? simple answer, order the Creality Falcon 2 laser...
  3. Drake

    SMC ROM Simm programming

    Hello! We present to you instructions on customizing the SMC ROM Simm. While the ROM simm comes pre-populated with all the necessary programs to get your vintage Macs going, some users may desire to choose their own icons and contents. Crucible app instructions: • Satanic Mac Club -...
  4. Drake

    Arcade Cabinets - Restorations + Modifications

    SATANIC MAC CLUB Arcade Adventures At this point in time I have purchased, modified and sold a few arcade machines locally which typically funds the next project. One type of cabinet I haven't had experience with was the cocktail cabinet. This week I lucked upon a marketplace listing for a...
  5. Drake

    Modern DIY arcade lightguns

    Recently I have been delving into home arcades, modifications and related diy projects. One that excited me the most was reliving the experience of arcade light gun games like Time Crisis, House of the Dead, Terminator 2 and Aliens 3. The feeling of holding a pistol, revolver or machine gun that...
  6. Drake

    Extreme Systems - Impact 030 Accelerator (LC, LCII)

    I recently purchased an LCII with a nice surprise inside: But so far it's just a pretty hood ornament without the proper extension/control panel files. My searches online for the original installation files have lead me to 1 or 2 links **BUT** those .sit files are corrupt! I'm hoping that by...
  7. Drake

    Next Station Turbo Repair

    I received this beautiful black slab months ago before my wife and I sold our house and purchased a new home, as such it sat waiting for today. Unfortunately one of the network ports received enough force to shear off it's legs and fly out. Otherwise the machine is in pristine working order...
  8. Drake

    SMC presents - Beleths Drum BlueSCSI HDD Sound Emulator!

    Before the arrival of Beleth the pounding of his drum will be heard! Our newest device carries the namesake of this musical demon which expands on the ever popular BlueSCSI HDD replacement solution, which many could agree is too quiet! where is the noise? where is the mechanical smacking of...
  9. Drake

    "Budget" conscious Trinocular Microscope & Fume Extraction

    Vintage Apple hardware is synonymous with repair work. Ask anyone who collects or tinkers with vintage Apple and they WILL regale what machines needed exactly what repairs. Whether it was a recap, trace repair, battery bomb or sound chip all of these repairs are made 10x easier with the proper...
  10. Drake

    A VERY special SE/30 Repair!

    !WARNING! The following machine is known to cause feelings of jealousy and rage !WARNING! I had the fortunate chance to meet a local enthusiast, user @LongAlphabet recently whom after years of owning a few 68k machines finally got the time to revisit the poor buggers he had tucked away. They...
  11. Drake

    Mystic Overclock - A Spicy O'clock Adventure

    The worlds MOST handsome man @Kay K.M.Mods sent his amazing product 🔥"Spicy O'clock" 🔥all the way from Japan to Canada for me to experience and share results. Kays Original thread: Purchase Here...
  12. Drake

    Christmas Photo Contest Winners!

    Congratulations to our winners! Please PM your address to receive your wonderful prizes. - Morgan
  13. Drake

    Bluescsi 1.0A too quiet!

    @eric makes inferior product, much too quiet! How will users know if their device is working if they cannot hear it? Electric cars require sound so users know "ok, it is working!". Same, Same. Please see below for proof, Redscsi much better, much louder!
  14. Drake

    ENDED *Christmas Photo Contest!*

    HO HO HO! The Christmas season is upon us once more and the spirit of giving is thriving here at TinkerDifferent! To celebrate the holidays we're hosting a Christmas photo contest with amazing prizes: USB Microscope & Decal pack BlueScsi & Decal pack "Dont4Get" 1/2AA -> CR2032 Battery...
  15. Drake

    Pip pip pip!?

    I found this little bugger for $20 cad and genuinely thought it may be interesting to see if "Apple Jack" can translate to ADB and perhaps use this boomerang as a Macintosh gamepad. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be waiting patiently for the $20 Pippin console to match! (Dream on eh?)
  16. Drake

    Sanyo Monster

    @Action Retro latest video was a great showcase for vintage "portables" BUT can it really be a gaming machine if it doesn't have battletoads?!? Seans latest video:
  17. Drake

    DRAM Liberator!

    @rdmark was recently looking for some verified DRAM for an Apple IIC project and I had recently just gone through my stack of salvaged parts to pull some for their repairs. While doing so I thought it the perfect opportunity to showcase @Stephen amazing little device! The DRAM Liberator is an...
  18. Drake

    DataDesk SWITcHBoARD - Penultimate Compatibility!

    Welcome back to another odd ball showcase! Today for your consideration is one of DataDesks rarer products, the "SWITcHBoARD"! Introduced in 1992 at a whopping $239usd the Switchboard was one of, if not THE first to offer both modular layout customization and protocol compatibility across...
  19. Drake

    NeXT cube recap

    I'm looking forward to the new Bluescsi revision that sorts out LUN issues. Till then my silly cube is safe, I should sort out that cmos battery though.
  20. Drake

    Color Classic - Mystic Bezel

    Experimenting with some waterslide transfer paper I was able to produce a nice looking custom bezel for my color classic II. (This unit is using a seperately purchased LC575 board with resistor swap, I still have the original parts.) The above waterslide paper was about $15 on Amazon, Once the...