
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. phlogios

    Guide for remapping keys on Classic Mac OS

    I found this guide when needing to remap a key on my AEKII that uses a DIY usb-adb adapter. The method should work for any keyboard:
  2. wottle

    Anyone willing to trade AppleDesign keyboards?

    I have 3 AppleDesign keyboards in good condition, fully functional, but they do not have the ALPS controller needed to be used in this project: Anyone have an abundance and have the "Made...
  3. VicNor

    Mac II: Battery drainage and intermitten mouse

    I just finished swapping the orginal PSU fan for a Noctua (80mm, 12V DC, ULN) on my original and non-upgraded Macintosh II. When I did a smoke test the computer was dead as a dodo. The batteries read 2.48V (upper) and 0.87V (lower). I bought this computer from a friend and it was recapped last...
  4. eric

    Solution for sharing a keyboard & mouse between USB & ADB?

    I currently have my modern windows pc where I play games/do work on my desk, and next to it I have my Q700 for vintage dev/play. Currently I have a AEKII with a drakeware ADB2USB for connecting to the PC, and do a swap when I boot up my Mac (but then cant go back to the PC till I shutdown the...
  5. Androda

    PS/2 to ADB Adapter PCB design for tashtrio by Tashtari

    This is a reference PCB design for the "tashtrio" project my lampmerchant / @Tashtari . PCB is licensed Creative Commons Non-Commercial, and Tashtrio is licensed GPL V3. Tashtrio allows you to use PS/2 keyboards and mice with your Macs. PS/2 peripherals may or may not be more available or...
  6. wottle

    Macintosh TV Accessories Paint Color

    As you maybe could see in my other post, I recently picked up a Mac TV (one of my holy grail items), however it was missing a few accessories, namely the mouse, and the keyboard's ADB cable. Unfortunately, the black ADB accessories can be very expensive on eBay, and rarely come up for sale...
  7. M

    IIfx ADB power problem

    Hi, folks! I'm having a problem with a IIfx. It's unable to start from ADB power. I recapped it and replaced the PRAM and startup circuit batteries. I've tried: • Both ADB ports. No power, but typing on the keyboard works fine. • Different keyboards. Those same keyboards work fine to power-on...
  8. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh SE - PLCC ADB Adapter board

    This will allow the use of the PLCC ADB Transceiver in the Macintosh SE, which is the only model that uses a DIP18 part. There's not much to it other than that! @Branchus has used one of these, successfully, in a troublesome SE, iirc. The github page to the project and the gerbers, is here...
  9. C

    Keyboard—Help Identify what I have

    A few months ago I picked up a batch of stuff—some Mac SEs, a Classic, spare logic boards, a LOT of old HDDs, and a bag of keyboards. One of the keyboards is odd to me. It appears to be painted. . . maybe? It looks like a professional job, with a very subtle knock-down texture and a very very...
  10. Drake

    ADB -> USB Keyboard+Mouse Adapter Firmware

    This resource is dedicated to the testing and conversion of ADB devices to USB for use on modern computers, emulators or authentic-esque hackintosh etc. This example will be using an ATmega32u4 5v 16 MHz Pro Micro controller with micro USB port. An example can be purchased here: ATMega32U4 Pro...
  11. rjkucia

    A Couple Japanese ADB Keyboards

    Hi all, I got two Japanese Apple Keyboard IIs from Buyee. They were sold as "junk" because they couldn't test them, but fortunately my bet paid off and they're both working! There are just a couple of things I wanted to ask about: One of the keyboards has a few numpad keys that aren't working -...