I've been using my DB25 BlueSCSI on my compact macs with no problem, Mac Plus and Mac Classic.
Yesterday I was trying to bring a Frankenstein Performa 6xxx back to life. It is a 6500 motherboard on a P6300 case and an L2 Cache G3 accelerator.
I plugged the BlueSCSI in and the machine not even booted! I took it out and ended up using a CF card to IDE adapter to replace the dead HD.
TODAY, I tried to use the DB25 BlueSCSI on the Mac Classic and it would prevent it from starting up! It lights up but I get no error code (blinking lights) even if I remove the card or put an empty one in.
What did I do? Did I fry it? Is it worth trying to reprogram the BluePill? I'm a total n00b regarding that, I don't even know where to begin if that's the case.