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  1. pocketscience

    Grid 1 REVIEW — iPhone 2G Wall Art

    With 2G networks being phased out in many places the original iPhone is unfortunately not very functional any more. I have a few that need battery replacements, but regardless they don't operate anymore here in Australia as the 2G networks were shutdown some time back. Sure you could use them as...
  2. pocketscience

    That moment when...

    ... you've spent a good few hours preparing to record something for work featuring your 128K Mac... and then... ...the DRAM chip at G8 goes and takes a dive... I don't have a handy supply of 64K bit DRAM chips floating around unfortunately... well, apart from a few restored C64's.. hmm... 🧐
  3. pocketscience

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I don't see any value of putting it inside a plastic container in water and then just using the sun. Why not just use the sun. Any plastic tub will interfere with the light from the sun, so it's not going to be as effective as just in the sun. As I said before these machines are 30+ years old...
  4. pocketscience

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    There are plenty of chemical reactions that can be reversed. The interesting part of all of this (sun only) is why UV-A alone yellows the ABS, but when the suns natural mix of UV-A *and* UV-B hit the ABS it is somehow restored. I don't think there have been any studies on this. UV-B is blocked...
  5. pocketscience

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I was skeptical, but you can see a difference after only a few hours. After a few days it makes a massive difference per my earlier photos. I'm sold. However I received a ruined 400K external drive from @Elemenoh - someone had peroxided it very poorly. The sun is not making one iota of...
  6. pocketscience

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    Honestly I think it's already well described. Step #1 take old yellow Mac and put it in the sun. #2 don't let it get rained on. I've been following these for all my Macs (currently working on 128K and original kb and mouse). It really works well if you have a bit of patience. These machines...
  7. pocketscience


    Videos don't do it justice unfortuantely.
  8. pocketscience


    Wow, there are EMPTY BOXES selling on eBay for more than I paid for my actual machines..!
  9. pocketscience


    There's a project to re-create the 3D imager. Haven't caught up with it in a while, but the original imagers go for ridiculous money if they ever come up for sale. Very rare piece of kit.
  10. pocketscience


    Early in my career I worked with an elderly French gentleman. Physicist by trade. Whenever we needed to defer to the dark arts to solve a software problem he was fond of using the acronym "HPFM"... and when questioned as to its meaning would reply in a very thick accent "Hocus focus f***ing...
  11. pocketscience


    Yes, the audio circuitry wasn't well thought out and every single machine has that hum. Some people think it gives it character.. but like you I've fixed it as the original designers should have done!
  12. pocketscience


    Try this..
  13. pocketscience


    I just used Disk Copy to create the image.. and then Zipped it.
  14. pocketscience


    Source code.. no. I'd have to disassemble the cdev code resource... Given they state what machines it's for probably fruitless as well.
  15. pocketscience


    QuickSANE possibly.. probably looks for exact machines via the GestaltMgr - ie "am I running on a machine I know has a 68882 installed?". It wouldn't even know about the card unless QuickSANE was designed with SpeedCard in mind. And given SpeedCard has their own cdev that does the same thing...
  16. pocketscience


    Running Speedometer with the SpeedCard SANE switch off first, then on would produce similar results to what I saw with QuickSANE off/on I would imagine.
  17. pocketscience


    Interesting, but not surprising I guess. The fact that SpeedCard has their own SANE switch implies they're doing the same thing - and redirecting SANE calls to the SpeedCard 68881. Your install procedure was interesting - I hadn't copied over the pref file - and so went through the first boot...
  18. pocketscience


    Anyone here into the amazing Vectrex vector-based gaming console? I've got a couple of them and they are really very cool. They pre-date the original Mac, and you'd have to wonder if they in some way inspired the classic Mac "all in one" design.. There's even a handle at the top of the Vectrex...
  19. pocketscience

    BluesSCSI hda files corruption

    *cough*Australia*cough*.. :) I'll dig up an st-link and have a go...
  20. pocketscience


    Sound production is very timing dependant. So simply speeding up the execution of that production, without taking into account that it's being done faster results in the distortion.