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  1. pocketscience

    Classic II power output

    Startup chime?
  2. pocketscience

    Apple TechStep Replacement ROMs, cartridges, software, and more!

    OK cool! No need for apologies. I'll cancel my appointment with my psychologist though.. :LOL:
  3. pocketscience

    Apple TechStep Replacement ROMs, cartridges, software, and more!

    Maybe I'm going insane but that has the old gerber in it... I just downloaded the one you attached and checked...
  4. pocketscience

    Apple TechStep Replacement ROMs, cartridges, software, and more!

    @jajan547 can you check the gerber files in the archive in the first post? I was about to place an order when I noticed that the Rev1_SMD gerber has the original routing that needed to be bodged. SuperSVGA posted updated gerber in post #164 on the other site, which looks correct (or at least...
  5. pocketscience

    Apple TechStep Replacement ROMs, cartridges, software, and more!

    @Elemenoh I printed the STL's on my Ender 3 today and they came out pretty great. I was worried about removing all the support structures around the itty-bitsy pins etc, but it came off in one piece without breaking anything. I have also ordered some from JLCPCB (~$20 for 4 enclosures) to see...
  6. pocketscience

    Apple TechStep Replacement ROMs, cartridges, software, and more!

    OK, crisis averted. Dry joint - very obvious under microscope - wobbling around like a drunk on Saturday night... :) Works great now. Will make some boards though as I don't have the full complement of carts. I've got a TL866CS, but will need to grab an adapter for the ROM chip as I've only...
  7. pocketscience

    Apple TechStep Replacement ROMs, cartridges, software, and more!

    Sorry, I meant my stock cart. I've managed to get it apart without breaking anything. Just going over it all with my multimeter now.. You're probably right though - I'm assuming a dry solder joint somewhere...
  8. pocketscience

    Apple TechStep Replacement ROMs, cartridges, software, and more!

    There's something amiss with my CPU Test Vol 1, v.1.1.1 cart. 9 our of 10 times when the TS is turned on with that cart installed the TS screen doesn't come on the LED flashes red after a second or so. When it does power up the cart seems to be perfectly fine. Guessing a loose connection inside...
  9. pocketscience

    Canberra Retro Computer Fair 23rd July.

    Hey, I'm in Sydney and will endeavour to get there!
  10. pocketscience

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    OK, this is the first time I'm getting JLCPCB to populate a board. I assume for the question re edge rails/fiducials we should be saying no - i.e. use the board as-is?
  11. pocketscience

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    Wow, what an interesting site! Thanks for the link!
  12. pocketscience

    SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

    @craig - where did you source the new DB19 female connector?
  13. pocketscience

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I'm interested in understanding the answer to this also - ie how does the sun alone reverse the damage done by the sun...?🤷‍♂️ I've got a battered up SE/30 case that's being replaced by a MacEffects clear case - so I might just give it a shot and see what happens.
  14. pocketscience

    Macintosh 512k analogboard is getting hot

    Sitting here with my 512K and it’s been powered on for 15 minutes now and Q2 is still cool enough to touch. My thermometer says it’s 33C. As mentioned this is completely stock. Haven’t even recapped it as there’s no need currently. Let me know if you need anything else.
  15. pocketscience

    SE/30 UE8 replacement
  16. pocketscience

    Macintosh 512k analogboard is getting hot

    I've got an unmodified international 512K and haven't noticed any overheating issues like you mention - mind you, I haven't run it for hours on end. If I get time over the weekend I'll crack it open and leave it running for a bit to see if Q2 gets overly hot. Will dig out my contactless...
  17. pocketscience

    Vintage Mac style USB chargers

    Nothing to do with me - just saw this on Indiegogo and thought it might interest some here. I signed up for a pack just for giggles: (Mods feel free to delete if not appropriate)
  18. pocketscience

    Classic II power output

    They won't all be bad - so I'm going to start with the opto as I believe it's a pretty common fault, then the TDA, and yes the mosfet. The diodes should be able to be checked in circuit, so maybe check those first. No real point replacing parts if they aren't broken..
  19. pocketscience

    Classic II power output

    I'm in a similar position with my Classic II. I've recapped like you, and next on the list is the TDA4605, zener diodes and the optocoupler
  20. pocketscience

    SE/30 PSU Schematic

    No problemo! Thanks for taking the time to respond! (y)