2023 PowerPC Challenge!

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.


New Tinkerer
Mar 13, 2022
Quickest and easiest is get TenFiveTube:

Next, is use Leopard Webkit and select a mobile user agent from the Develop menu before you visit Youtube - this is good for any G5 or fast G4.
tenfivetube won’t load. No matter what I set the user agent to it defaults back to desktop YouTube and that won’t load. I can watch YT perfectly fine at m.YouTube.com in Leopard webkit browser. It does peg cpu usage at 100 percent though.


Jan 5, 2022
Still works here. Did you install QuickTime 7.7 that was linked on the download page? It is required.



Jan 5, 2022
Shouldn't be slow on a G5 at all. Heck, it even runs decent on faster G4's (1.0 - 1.67ghz).
All i can think of is that you aren't blocking ads at the system level which might be slowing anything web related down.
See what a hosts file does here: https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm
How to install it here: http://pointhope.de/tips&tricks/no_place_like_localhost.html
I've attached my personal hosts file if you want even more protection as i've blocked most of googles spying garbage.

To switch user agents in T5T just select one from the menu. If you don't like the built-in's choose "other" and type in your own.



  • hosts-file.zip
    83.3 KB · Views: 139


New Tinkerer
Mar 13, 2022
I worked on my G5 and tried to install void Linux. I failed and ended up screwing my hard drive with Linux partitions. Any suggestions on how to get it installed, besides following the instructions online?


Dec 21, 2021
Richmond, KY
I worked on my G5 and tried to install void Linux. I failed and ended up screwing my hard drive with Linux partitions. Any suggestions on how to get it installed, besides following the instructions online?
I am working on my G4 to install different Linux versions. Void always create a kernel panic. No tried yet on a G5. Are you creating a HFS (Mac OS Standard) partition?
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New Tinkerer
Mar 13, 2022
I am working on my G4 to install different Linux versions. Void always create a kernel panic. No tried yet on a G5. Are you creating a HFS (Mac OS Standard) partition?
I’m not sure. Sorry, but the one thing I’m bad with is hard drive stuff :)


New Tinkerer
Mar 13, 2022
I found a few other options besides TenFiveTube (works great)

1. I have used SSYouTube to get the youtube link and watch it in your browser. Use TenFiveTube to find a video. Copy the link, and paste it in the text box. Select 360p and press download. Close the window that opens up to lephaush.net and there will be a second browser window open with your video. Watching it in that browser window keeps CPU usage down in the 20% range on my dual 2ghz g5. I made a "launcher" for SSYouTube. I cant share it due to .webloc not being a supported file extension but just go to ssyoutube.com and that should work fine.

*Any other free online YT video downloader should work for this too. SSYoutube is just the service I use.

2. I think someone mentioned it above but you can use Invidious (I use vid.puffyan.us and someone above mentioned iteroni.com) and that keeps usage low as well. You can also use Invidious to download the video and open it using wicknix's MPlayer build which keeps CPU usage down at around 10-15% !!!!

TenFiveTube does work great, though. It is a great easy solution for watching YT on PPC.

Sent from my G5


New Tinkerer
Jan 28, 2023
@wicknix, @PowerPCFan! In my search for more resources to help in my pursuit to get Adelie 1.0-RC2 loaded on my ppc64 G5, I stumbled into this forum. I have a unique situation with booting Linux on this machine. I’m too cheap (right now) to go by DVD-Rs and have some Adelie distros on CDs. You’re going to think I’m crazy, but to boot a live Adelie distro on this machine, I dd’d a 2GB Adelie iso from the Adelie Linux site onto a 250GB hard drive residing in a Sargent disk reader plugged into a usb port. I insert the Adelie CD AND have the usb drive powered up. Holding down the option key on boot, I see My Sorbet HD and the CD, but not the USB drive. I boot using the CD, and then see the usb drive come to life and BOOM! I’m on the live Adelie OS.

The built in GUI installer doesn’t work (horizon-ui). I’ve been shown, directed to numerous web sites showing how to manually install the system. Every attempt to boot into the installed system ends up with sddm putting me into a log in loop.

If I get this working, and I think I’m close, I’ll blow up the internet (ok, some of these forums, with how I got it done.

Wish me luck!!!

Paolo B

Nov 27, 2021
Nagoya, Japan
Couldn’t find a better thread, so I drop it here.
I just took out of the closet one of my beloved G4 Cubes. Many years since last time I powered it up.
Luckily, this one still works fine (in another one I have, a capacitor blew in the PWM board and that was it…).
As I have an original box of Tiger Server, I decided to give it a go and configure it as a silent file server (runs from an SSD). Just for fun.

Now, I only have bluetooth stuff, and with a BT dongle in the USB port both input devices are recognized flawlessly upon booting from the DVD.
However, at the end of the installation they are no longer linked and it‘s impossible to progress with the configuration (serial nr etc).

Does anyone know if there‘s any workaround other than using (in my case: buying) cabled hardware?


New Tinkerer
Jan 28, 2023
Success! Sort of…After adjusting some of the instructions for installing Adelie manually, I have been able to log into a plasma desktop on my ppc64 Mac G5 (Power 7,3) via sddm. Upon log in, there were no apps, no other usable places to go or check system status. I went into tty2 and added KDE, and this helped a lot!!! The system does have issues though. The screen has a pink/purple hue that can’t be adjusted using the monitor settings. There is no sound (I know @wicknix has provided steps on how to fix this) and, although it “appears” I’m connected to the internet, there is no browser loaded so I haven’t checked connectivity yet. I’ll be researching and implementing fixes for this and other issues (settings changed in various areas don’t stick after closing the setting or rebooting. Once these are addressed, I will draft instructions and make them available to anyone interested. The Adelie IRC continually states RC3 is due to come out soon, so hopefully this will address some of these issues but this may also be unit specific so one of the things I’ll make sure to note is what my G5 has for hardware.

Things are looking up!!!
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New Tinkerer
Jan 28, 2023

Are you the same person that was talking about Adelie on MacRumors forum??

Whether you are or not, I'm glad you (sort of) got it installed :)
Ya, I’m all over the place. I found out today from the Adelie IRC, that RC2 is no longer supported. Basically they aren’t answering or troubleshooting any RC2 issues anymore and focusing on getting RC3 out. Time will tell if RC3 works on this (my G5) machine. The Adelie admin did indicate that using (updating the repository to) the https://next.adelie.linux.org sources is actually accessing RC3 packages. I didn’t push the issue, and I need to go over the manual installation steps again, but it seems to me I may be mixing RC2 with RC3 packages and none of them want to play nice.

I’m thinking of messing around with the install instructions to see if I can avoid loading RC3 packages and just access the https://distfiles.adelielinux.org. I’m hoping older kernels still exist there (but I doubt it) and NOT loading RC3 packages might help with the issues I have with color, eternal disk, usb issues and no sound.

I’ll have to think about it,