2023 PowerPC Challenge!

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New Tinkerer
Mar 13, 2022
Ya, I’m all over the place. I found out today from the Adelie IRC, that RC2 is no longer supported. Basically they aren’t answering or troubleshooting any RC2 issues anymore and focusing on getting RC3 out. Time will tell if RC3 works on this (my G5) machine. The Adelie admin did indicate that using (updating the repository to) the https://next.adelie.linux.org sources is actually accessing RC3 packages. I didn’t push the issue, and I need to go over the manual installation steps again, but it seems to me I may be mixing RC2 with RC3 packages and none of them want to play nice.

I’m thinking of messing around with the install instructions to see if I can avoid loading RC3 packages and just access the https://distfiles.adelielinux.org. I’m hoping older kernels still exist there (but I doubt it) and NOT loading RC3 packages might help with the issues I have with color, eternal disk, usb issues and no sound.

I’ll have to think about it,
I can't wait for RC3 :)

Hopefully it will make things easier.


New Tinkerer
Jan 28, 2023
I can't wait for RC3 :)

Hopefully it will make things easier.
Ya, but I have no patience. Today I tried to install Adelie 1.0-RC2 using only the repositories on the CD, avoiding loading RC3 packages. As I installed it, I saw that the kernel being loaded was the same one used to boot the live CD, which has been the driving force to get it loaded. I just love everything about the live CD. Other packages being installed seemed to offer hope that when I was done, I might just boot to a system like the live one. But after I completed the install, it booted to a black screen with a blue mouse pointer. I never got to the log in screen. I tried some boot parameters but nothing worked.

My next trick will be to install the system, and pay close attention to when “I think” it would be ok to update the repository to the RC3 packages, like after the older (working) kernel is installed.. I’m guessing, and it’s just a guess, that there is something the G5 needs in the RC3 packages that will get it to boot, what that is is anybody’s guess. I’m convinced that the boot kernel is the reason the install that got me to a working desktop with all it’s issues has something to do with the boot kernel. The live version boots to 5.4 where as the RC3 package loads 5.14 which “I believe” is the reason it boots to an unfunctional desktop system with issues.

This needs more study and I hope to get to it tomorrow.

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Oct 22, 2021
I've not had a chance to participate in the challenge this year. I'd planned on doing something with my quad G5, but the software I'm using for virtual tour photography only works on Catalina or newer. For that, I have to use one of my 2012 dual-core 2.5GHz Mac Minis (newest machine I own). But it SUCKS on this software, Affinity Photo. It literally takes 23 second to switch the view from the 360 equirectangular view back to the stretched image. Even if I could run the software on the G5, I don't have all day to wait for this stuff. And this wait in on an Intel i5 from 2012. I would expect it to run like this on the G5, but it's pretty intensive.

I have provisions to dual boot my 12-core 5,1 cheese grater with High Sierra and at least Catalina, but that's for another thread.