Very nice gold-plated sockets!

Did you buy those individually from Mouser?
If you bought them in a kit, I could add a link to that in my BOM as an alternative to the kit I link to right now.
I bought the double-wipe socket kit because Kai told me double-wipe makes getting the chips out a bit easier. The chips I desoldered from the stock SE board fit OK in my double-wipe sockets, but the legs are shorter on the desoldered ICs than on the new ICs, so desoldered ICs might be more secure in the the premium sockets you are using. And of course, the gold looks prettier too!
Very nice gold-plated sockets!

Did you buy those individually from Mouser?
If you bought them in a kit, I could add a link to that in my BOM as an alternative to the kit I link to right now.
I bought the double-wipe socket kit because Kai told me double-wipe makes getting the chips out a bit easier. The chips I desoldered from the stock SE board fit OK in my double-wipe sockets, but the legs are shorter on the desoldered ICs than on the new ICs, so desoldered ICs might be more secure in the the premium sockets you are using. And of course, the gold looks prettier too!