OK, I've been working through my PowerMac 61xx machines that I picked up in my filthy haul a few weeks back. I've successfully built some replacement Y adapters for the ones with a DOS card, but I now have a bigger problem. I currently only have a single HDI-45 adapter that I had with my 6115CD. So I expect I'll have around ten 61xx machines when all is said and done and I'd like to be able to pass them along to others with most of what they need to connect to a monitor and use it (I won't have enough ADB keyboards either, but those are easier to come by / already have).
So, does anyone have a bunch of extras of these they'd be willing to sell, or better yet, has anyone figured out a way we can make a new adapter out of readily available parts? I saw a post oin 68kmla (https://68kmla.org/bb/index.php?threads/solutions-for-hdi45-to-vga-or-db15.39202/page-2) about the posibility of a PCB to get the right pin spacing and I love that idea, but I have no PCB design skills and doubt I could make one correctly.
I was thinking of basically two PCBs. One that would mimic the pinout of the HDI-45 port. You would simply solder in the necessary pins, with wires soldered to the back side. a second PCB would accept those wires and have them go to a DB-15 port. A 3d printed case could hold both PCBs and provide a smaller replacement for all of us who are now missing adapters.
Anyone have a similar need or have tackled this issue?
So, does anyone have a bunch of extras of these they'd be willing to sell, or better yet, has anyone figured out a way we can make a new adapter out of readily available parts? I saw a post oin 68kmla (https://68kmla.org/bb/index.php?threads/solutions-for-hdi45-to-vga-or-db15.39202/page-2) about the posibility of a PCB to get the right pin spacing and I love that idea, but I have no PCB design skills and doubt I could make one correctly.
I was thinking of basically two PCBs. One that would mimic the pinout of the HDI-45 port. You would simply solder in the necessary pins, with wires soldered to the back side. a second PCB would accept those wires and have them go to a DB-15 port. A 3d printed case could hold both PCBs and provide a smaller replacement for all of us who are now missing adapters.
Anyone have a similar need or have tackled this issue?