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  1. Alf Torp

    Run a Color Classic without an analog board or tube?

    Closest I can imagine is "yet to be determined"... There are crt oscilloscopes from the early 1920's that still work, just as just about every crt I "have ever met" still worked when they were trashed. The crt worked. Imagine how many crt's have been scrapped because ONE. SINGLE. $0.10 capacitor...
  2. Alf Torp

    Components. They're everywhere!

    I'm not organized at all, hence the need for as many drawers and some kind of unified sorting method for at least the smallest stuff. Otherwise it would soon end up as a big pile of everything in the middle of the floor. :ROFLMAO:
  3. Alf Torp

    Components. They're everywhere!

    I use various versions of these : Component boxes on ebay
  4. Alf Torp

    Components. They're everywhere!

    Excuse the mess on the floor, we're redoing the upstairs hall way and needed a place to temporarily store stuff.
  5. Alf Torp

    Components. They're everywhere!

    And so I have to find a reasonable way to store them. Resistors, diodes, ICs... all sorts of crap that you might need and that's handy to have at...well, at hand. So I built this: 10 drawers that each can contain anywhere from 60 to 300 of these little buggers, depending on size: So all in...
  6. Alf Torp

    Xserve1,1 gives me the nope, nopity nope treatment

    Some imagery of the Xserve tantrums
  7. Alf Torp

    Xserve1,1 gives me the nope, nopity nope treatment

    You'd almost suspect I had asked it on a date or something. I feel rejected! ... *Hrm* Anyway, I got my XServe 1.1 2x 3.0GHZ 2006 Xserve home yesterday, after a month or so of waiting so what better way to kill a few hours than to start it up and see what's what? I starts right up, but since...
  8. Alf Torp

    Is still Hotline a thing?

    It's fun browsing around. It was nice to visit your bbs as well. I'll be back :)
  9. Alf Torp

    Is still Hotline a thing?

    If by "Hotline day" you mean "Hotline Week" I agree :)
  10. Alf Torp

    Is still Hotline a thing?

    I installed Hotline on my G5 1.8, but I can't connect to or They're both timing out for me. I get in to other hotline servers though, so the client is working...
  11. Alf Torp

    Is still Hotline a thing?

    I... I don't believe it. But I guess I have to, I am looking at it!
  12. Alf Torp

    Is still Hotline a thing?

    If I remember correctly, Hotline was the "predecessor" to gnutella or some such. Not in use anymore as far as I can tell.
  13. Alf Torp

    iBook Clamshell Vinegar syndrome LCD repair

    I don't care what anyone says, the clamshell iBook was a gorgeous design.
  14. Alf Torp

    The Secret History of Mac Gaming: Expanded Edition

    I'll buy your 1st ed. if the shipping to Norway isn't extortionate :)
  15. Alf Torp

    Well, this is gonna suck....

    .. my "new" DIY fume extractor, that is... This is an old fume extractor from... well, it's from a hair salon, ok? The boom is spring loaded and holds the weight up well, even after 20+ years of use. Folded up: Neatly tucked away, I think. It came with a 5-speed fan box that I need to...
  16. Alf Torp

    Definitely "Other": Wallas 3000D diesel heater

    @Kai Robinson Just checking if you got my pm and could access the link?
  17. Alf Torp

    Dumpster diving is fun

    Yeah, I was really impressed by the build quality.
  18. Alf Torp

    Dumpster diving is fun

    So, here it is , starting up in all its DOS glory And as I mentioned I got two of these: One seems to be working fine, and the other I've taken apart to see if I can fix the faulty drive(s). Interesting construction on these LaCie disks, and the drives themselves seem to be somewhat...
  19. Alf Torp

    Dumpster diving is fun

    Today I found a 1988'ishToshiba T1200 and two LaCie 1TB BiggerDisk G935's. USB, FW400 and FW800. 4 x 250GB disks in each cabinet, for a total of 1TB (931GB usable space). Pictures tomorrow. I started the Toshiba this evening, and.. it frickin works. Even the disk spins up and gives me... DOS...
  20. Alf Torp

    Definitely "Other": Wallas 3000D diesel heater

    That would be great. I have a Canon printer/scanner here but the stupid thing refuses to let me scan while connected to my Airport Express... "No scan! Only print!" ... Maybe I can USB connect it to my PMG5 and scan using some old software from there :)