Something doesn't quite add up, which where the video corruption could be coming from.
Here we see Luma data straddling 0x06000000. Yet on the console there is this info:
H264EncInit: buf addr=0xA60A55C0, size=0x410A60, GopNum=15
H264 is initializing something at 0x060A55C0, which in the middle not the top a the frame buffer. This address doesn't move for other resolutions.
Note: 0xA60A55C0 and 0x060A55C0/0x860A55C0, are all the same address. The 0xA address is likely a non-cache version of the address.
When I capture and process at 848x636 and encode at 1920x1440. The top of the video buffer lines up with 0xA60A55C0, and the resulting images are good (just lower stock resolution.)
Clearly a new memory map supporting the large images needs to be fixed. Any ideas for next steps?
UPDATE: I the position of the text for 0x06000000 is wrong in the video. The top of the luma frame is at 0x060A55C0. So this initialization of the encoder is correct., something else is still wrong.