Modding the Kodak Reels 8mm Film Digitizer (Firmware Hack)

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New Tinkerer
Nov 17, 2023
@Mac84 I have a couple 8mm reels from the 50s that are from a trip to Marineland in Anaheim, CA. They would offer some good capture examples. The reels I've done so far are dark and contrasty and need a lot of fixing. I'm using Adobe Premiere Pro, though it's trying to force an export at 15 fps - I imagine because that's closest frame rate that the H264 codec likes, and for some reason doesn't like 16 fps. I found a forum posts about how to fix it and will try later today.

If it helps your curiosity as to what is inside the v2.0 unit, I'm happy to remove the cover and photograph some of the boards - particularly labels and IDs - if you're interested. I bet the camera is the same. It looks like the lowest cost Raspberry Pi camera - similar in both the ribbon connection and board size. It would be cool to replace that camera with a higher quality unit. I'd be comfortable changing hardware and making a new 3D printed mount, but I'm no good at software or coding - and who knows if the Kodak unit would even be able to accept any other camera.

The reason this project gave me confidence was you had already done all the work that I find so mysterious and you made it easy for the rest of us!
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Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
@Mac84 I have a couple 8mm reels from the 50s that are from a trip to Marineland in Anaheim, CA. They would offer some good capture examples. The reels I've done so far are dark and contrasty and need a lot of fixing. I'm using Adobe Premiere Pro, though it's trying to force an export at 15 fps - I imagine because that's closest frame rate that the H264 codec likes, and for some reason doesn't like 16 fps. I found a forum posts about how to fix it and will try later today.

If it helps your curiosity as to what is inside the v2.0 unit, I'm happy to remove the cover and photograph some of the boards - particularly labels and IDs - if you're interested. I bet the camera is the same. It looks like the lowest cost Raspberry Pi camera - similar in both the ribbon connection and board size. It would be cool to replace that camera with a higher quality unit. I'd be comfortable changing hardware and making a new 3D printed mount, but I'm no good at software or coding - and who knows if the Kodak unit would even be able to accept any other camera.

The reason this project gave me confidence was you had already done all the work that I find so mysterious and you made it easy for the rest of us!

Feel free to share the examples, that would be fun. I haven't messed with the frame rate yet, but that'll be next I imagine.

Someone sent me the innards of their v2.0 project after they had some soldering issues. Other than the power input board, it seems largely identical. However the processor model / date differs slightly. I'll have to investigate further.

The camera sensor (which oddly has the resolution printed on the back of the device) is capable of 3280x2464. Sadly, pushing the device beyond 1920x1440 causes it to freeze, probably due to the CPU and memory limits of the device. I'd actually assume the camera on this is quite good, but that's just an assumption.

Here's an example of some Super8 film I've captured with the higher bit rate and resolution.



New Tinkerer
Nov 17, 2023
Just a quick note to say that I found a free and quick way to convert captures from 20fps to 16fps on a Mac if you're comfortable working in Terminal.

Install Homebrew and ffmpeg using Terminal (ffmpeg is a command line video editing tool - chances are you've heard of it if you've been researching capturing old films).

Once those are installed and you still have a Terminal window open, navigate to the directory that houses an 8mm capture, and run the following command:

ffmpeg -r 16 -i inputvideofilenamehere.MP4 -vsync passthrough -b:v 12000k outputvideofilenamehere.MP4

(make sure to update your input and output file names in the command above)

It goes pretty fast, but if you have a longer capture it may take a little time. And use the number 18 instead of 16 if yours is a Super8 capture.

The above code has ffmpeg open your file that was captured at 20fps and read it as 16fps, and then save it without making any duplicate or dropped frames to the 16fps - as far as I can tell it simply slows it down the fps a bit, proper speed. You're passing through all other codec settings and changing the bitrate to 12000k if it wasn't already. The resulting file is ready to import into editing software. I wanted a corrected frame rate before doing any editing.

If someone is familiar with ffmpeg and feels I screwed up or am giving bad info, please let me know and I'll edit. This is a mish-mash of instructions found on a few different forums. I'm paying for a monthly Adobe subscription so I wanted to use Premiere Pro since I'm familiar with - but it won't natively (or easily) save to 16fps, unfortunately.


New Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2023
Hello All,

This last week I've scanned my collection of 8mm film (2 7" reels, a 5" reel and about 20 3" - 50' reels). Here's an update to my previous post based on more experience and additional technical perspective. This is a long read - but it highlights important learnings when film scanning 8mm film and in particular when working with the Kodak Reels system.

With regards to optimizing capture resolution. Many who post here and elsewhere confuse actual image resolution and pixel sampling resolution - with the notion that increasing sampling resolution will increase the image resolution in the output file. I've been digitizing film (35mm slide film) for many years. To make the discussion apples-to-apples we'll move the measure of resolution to actual pixel dimensions which we can translate easily from 35mm to 8mm or Super 8. High resolution 35mm machine scans are generally 2000 dpi (25mm/2000) or about 12 micron. The reason for this stems from the actual image resolution that can be realized in color film which is about 40 line pairs / mm or 80 lines (which is easily seen on MTF charts published by Kodak and other film manufacturers). One mm divided by 80 lines is 12 micron. If you elect to increase the scanning resolution beyond this then you increase the noise in the image as you pick up more grain noise, but you pick up little or no increase in image resolution.

Turning to the Kodak Reels scanner and it's 3280x2464 sensor which is used to scan an area of about 4.4 x 5.6 mm it's easy to calculate a film pixel size of about 1.8 microns. The first thing to realize is that this already 6 times more detailed than the finest 12 micron detail in the original film! So, there is no need to pursue a higher resolution (i.e. higher megapixel) sensor. In fact, if we were to scale the sampling resolution used by 3280x2464 Kodak Reels setup on 8mm to 35mm film, we would be creating nearly 100 megapixel scans which is 2.5 times greater than even the 40 megapixel scans produced by the film industries most premiere Hasselblad Imacon 848 film scanner.

The excellent work to unlock the maximum digitization bit rate is actually a direct consequence resulting from the high oversampling of the 3280x2464 sensor. As mentioned, sampling at this higher resolution, at pixel dimensions smaller than the actual detail found in the film, results in an ever increasing amount of image noise. This increase of noise creates the need for an increase in bit rate to digitally record the noise. When the bit rate is insufficient, then compression artifacts are introduced with increasing frequency and magnitude. Unlocking the set bit rate factor in the FW - from 6400 to 15420 or so has increased this headroom by a factor of 2.5. I've taken this one step further but REDUCING the output frame size to 1440x1080 and set the frame to capture just the actual image frame. This maximizes the effective bit rate (i.e. bits per megapixes in the frame) and also creates a standard image size (i.e. 1080p) which gives me access to tools which don't incur come at a higher price tag moving above 1080 towards 4K. The 1440x1080 size translates to a 3 micron pixel size in the original film with is still 4x more detailed that the smallest detail that the film was able to record during the original filming.

With this as background, here is how I now optimize my scanning. First, I wanted to revisit the Sharpening setting, to ensure that I'm capturing as much detail as possible. As has been previously posted, reducing the Sharpening setting reduces "artifacts" with the suggestion to work at a setting of -1.5 or -2.0. I too found this to be true, but closer investigation revealed as one would suspect the Sharpening setting is a slider which sharpens on one end and blurs (denoises) on the other end. I found that ultimate sharpness decreased at a dropped down to a setting of -2.0 and possible also at -1.5. I also found that there maybe some attributing of image noise to compression artifacts. It is quite clear that a reducing the Sharpening setting to the lowest values is denoising the image.

Digitizing film has always been an exercise in maximizing image detail while removing image noise. Of course, the amount of noise one might like or wish to remove is a matter of individual preference and there is usually some loss in detail. Traditional drum scanners used in the film industry would open the actual sampling aperture typically to 12 microns so as to average out variations in noise below the actual image resolution. When film is a scanned at higher resolution (i.e. at pixels sizes less than 12 microns) then digital methods apply. For still images techniques are limited to spatial noise filter. For movie film temporal filtering is include and essential. There is a huge variation in capabilities and performance in the various software tools available and the marketing information available is almost useless in pointing one towards a best solution. Getting a top performance tool directly affects the quality of the final video as well as how the settings (in particular the Sharpening setting) is set in the Kodak Reels scanner.

After quite a bit of searching and experimenting using both freeware, online paid services and also purchased noise reduction software tools and visiting with a leading professional film digitizing service, I found a solution that achieves the top image quality I could find, together with affordability ($85 one-time perpetual license), processing speed (about 12 fps) and my existing hardware/software compatibility needs (Win 10). Specifically, I've moved to Neat Video - Home version ( see ). The product they supply comes as a plug-in with flavors for virtually any of the leading video editing software platforms. In my case, I use Davinci Resolve - the free version. The software also makes use of my computer's graphics card as hardware acceleration.

I captured film clips from Kodak Reels using Sharpening Settings from 0.0 down to 2.0 and after creating a representative noise profile and filter processed and assessed them for maximum detail and overall image and playback quality. The results clearly showed increased image definition with Sharpening set to -1.0 or -1.5. With a setting of -2.0 image sharpness decreased. At values of 0.0 and -0.5 there was less overall image quality due to increased noise to be treated. In the end I have opted to use a Sharpening setting of -1.0 for all scans. The reality is that I want to apply the minimum amount of image processing possible in the Kodak Reels scanner where processing power and algorithmic performance are both limited - leading the artifacts we're trying to avoid, including minimizing any image detail.

Of course, sharpness is only one factor towards getting an optimized output file. In Davinci Resolve I am also able to solve the film speed issue (16 vs 20 fps - set Speed % to 80 with Ripple Timeline enabled) and I applied image stabilization (Similarity mode, Zoom enabled and Cropping Ratio set to 0.90) - both fully supported in the free version of Davinci Resolve. In addition to denoising, the Neat video plugin also does and excellent job of natively removing Flicker (which is part and parcel to film digitization), as well as Jitter, and Dust and Scratches removal. Putting all this together creates highly viewable video files. After now watching hours of raw and processed files, I find that I am seeing new tidbits - details in the movies that tell more of the stories this movies captured years ago. My explanation for this is simple. Instead of my eyes, neural pathways and having to sort through shaky noisy, flickering, dusty and scratchy videos, it sees the nuances of the past and puts a big smile on my face.

Finally here are two important hardware tips and my positive observations.
  • I too have chipped off the glue and manually focused the lens. I've also beveled the tabs on the camera cover so that I can pull it on and off without having to open the unit if I want to recheck / readjust the focus.
  • Also before each new recording, with the display on showing real time the recording frame, but before I load the film in place, I check that there is now spotchiness. If there is then I take a cotton-tipped swap and clean the backlit white illumination screen. Sometime I find it helpful to dampen the swap with isopropyl alcohol.
  • I've had excellent reliability. I've yet to have a splice or any other point in the scanning process get jammed in the scanner. I have had one splice open after it passed through the scanner head on the way to the take-up reel, but I can't attribute this to a design issue in the product.
Below is a raw capture (of me and my Grandpa in 1958) and then the fully processed file for comparison. Do make sure that you select 1080 HD playback when you view.


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New Tinkerer
Nov 14, 2023
Thanks for your write up. I’d be interested to view but your sample videos are showing as private.


New Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2023
Feel free to share the examples, that would be fun. I haven't messed with the frame rate yet, but that'll be next I imagine.

Someone sent me the innards of their v2.0 project after they had some soldering issues. Other than the power input board, it seems largely identical. However the processor model / date differs slightly. I'll have to investigate further.

The camera sensor (which oddly has the resolution printed on the back of the device) is capable of 3280x2464. Sadly, pushing the device beyond 1920x1440 causes it to freeze, probably due to the CPU and memory limits of the device. I'd actually assume the camera on this is quite good, but that's just an assumption.

Here's an example of some Super8 film I've captured with the higher bit rate and resolution.

Hi Mac84,

Great video... I noticed in the sky regions you have some of the "spotchiness" I've also seen. I've found this can be easily corrected by cleaning the white backlit pane that sits below the film. With the film scanner in capture mode - actively displaying, take a cotton-tipped swab and wipe this with diffuser until the spotchiness is gone. I've found that moistening the swab with a little isopropyl alcohol works even better.

You'll see this is one of the learnings in the bottom of my post just above.

John F


New Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2023
Thanks for your write up. I’d be interested to view but your sample videos are showing as private.
Thanks... I have them set to view with link and thought that would work. I'll change them to public. Let me know if that resolve it.


New Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2023
Thanks... I have them set to view with link and thought that would work. I'll change them to public. Let me know if that resolve it.
Actually, it appears that maybe they simply have not completed YouTube validation. That should complete soon. If you can't see them later this evening or at the latest tomorrow, then I'll switch them to public.


New Tinkerer
Nov 14, 2023
Actually, it appears that maybe they simply have not completed YouTube validation. That should complete soon. If you can't see them later this evening or at the latest tomorrow, then I'll switch them to public.
Sorry to jump the gun @JohnF, they are showing OK now.


New Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2023
This weekend I digitized a Super 8 reel using the Kodak device (1920x1440, etc) and compared it to a previous capture I made using my old home-made telecine style setup I made in 2017 using a DSLR (which was limited to 720p resolution).

The attached screenshots below are from the original files (I took a screenshot of the video window) and are otherwise unaltered.

Besides the cropping/framing and the color differences, it was difficult for me to spot a real quality differences between them. Since my previous telecine setup was "good enough" in my book, but required a lot of manual processes, I'm quite happy with the Kodak results. I don't see any serious compression or other differences introduced. And as you can see, the framing on the Kodak didn't cut off the image. I think some color correction and some light sharpness adjusting in Final Cut Pro would make these look quite nice.
Hi Mac84,

As with still photography, the benefits of exposure, contrast, highlight, shadow and color correction makes or breaks an image.

You mentioned that the auto exposure and white balance shift partway in to scenes. I believe I too have seen this, but not frequently, maybe once or twice. As the switch in balance came pretty quickly, my solution was to simply trim away the 1-3 seconds where the color was affected.

Overall, I'm pleased with the colors coming through. We the beauty and stability of Kodachrome to thank for that - but the scanner does a nice job. When I do have scenes that are too light (low density) then this is inevitably do to poor exposure settings or conditions when the clip was filmed.

Whether you use Adobe Premier or Davinci Resolve - both being the dominate packages - correcting the exposure and colors is easily achieved - and as you indicate part of my basic workflow as required.


New Tinkerer
Nov 11, 2023
This is really a great resource for owners of Kodak Reels.

Has anyone tried digitizing negative super 8 (Vision 3 films)? If yes, how is your work flow like? I was told by Kodak help support that scanning negative natively and to positive video in is not possible on Kodak Reels. Strangely, Wolverine can scan negative, but Kodak does not.


New Tinkerer
Dec 30, 2023
I too have have excellent results using the points contained in this thread. Here's some additional thoughts on the the scanner itself and significance of what is presented.
  1. I believe the actual design of the scanner is quite good. I have no problems even when scanning from 7" reels with multiple splices which are over 60 years as long as I don't pass the take-up through the last post to compensate for the reduced torque delivered by the take up reel when the diameter is increased.
  2. The frame to frame registration seems to be quite good. I set the frame capture at the beginning of the reel and I see essentially no shifting throughout . I believe good frame registration is also contributing to the final sharp final playback I'm seeing.
  3. The focus of the scanner off-the-shelf is questionable, but as described in this thread is wholly correctable. My scans certainly benefited from manually resetting focus, but I can also imaging that production results vary. As I manually set focus, even when fully zoomed in (when in the frame adjust mode) I noticed this takes some patience, and I also used a magnifying lens. I can only imagine how this could be less than predictable on a manufacturing line. This also brought be to the conclusion that to offset this issue, a significant amount of digital sharpening is applied by default. When properly focused I find no need to apply digital sharpening (I set the value in the scanner to -2) and I also don't add sharpening in my post-processing workflow.
  4. I believe the contribution of unlocking and increasing the bitrate offers the largest gain by unloading the processing required during video compression, thus further reducing compression artifacts. When considering the actual resolution in the film images, even the unmodified bitrate would nominally suffice, if not for the fact that scanning film results in considerable amount of digital noise which leads to a substantial increase in digital bandwidth.
  5. Some have suggested exploring an output file resolution above 1728x1296. In practice, I don't think this has much to offer. The reason is quite simple. When working from 8mm (3.3 x 4.5mm) or the even the larger Super 8 (5.8x4.0mm) film size and considering that Kodachrome film has less than 40 lp/mm this then gives a total of less than 240x160 lp (Super 8 - omitting limits in the original camera optics). Increasing the digital output resolution will not improve upon limits set in the film.
  6. There have also been comments on the effects of white balance shifts. I too see this - but in my experience - they all are linked to and a direct reflection of what is present in the film. My scans are an excellent reflection of the film. One thing I do that may contribute to this - is that I do zoom down to capture only the actual film frame - so that if there is and auto algorithm in play, then it's not biased by any non-image regions.

Of course, a good digitized recording of a film acquired in 1960 does not guarantee a video that is "easy to watch" in 2023, even when filmed in favorable conditions at the time. The good news is that much of this can be corrected in post. Critical improvements in videography include image stabilization, de-noise and de-artifact removal and, of course, auto-exposures and white balance. Here's my solution to taking the output from the improved Kodak Reels files and producing clean videos which we can enjoy today.
  1. The first step is correct the frame rate and apply image stabilization. To achieve this I use the free version of DaVinici Resolve. On the Edit page, it is simple to achieve both of these functions. For 8mm films which are recorded at 16 fps but saved as 20 fps) I set the speed increase at 125%. There is not interpolation applied, just simply resetting the notation so that the same frames digitized are played at a slower speed. On the same Edit page I enable and stabilize using Similarity mode with Zoom enabled. I limit the Cropping Ratio to 0.9 and leave the Smooth at 0.25 (fastest response) and Strength at 1.0) greatest effect. I then output as 1920x1080 in MP4 format limited to 12000 Kbps - which with the more powerful processing power in the home computer is as far as I can tell artifact free.
  2. The next step is to denoise AND remove film artifacts - including remaining dust, etc. For this I rely on new AI based techniques. The best solution I could find - one aimed specifically at film clean-up is achieved via uploading to an online server. This firm is TensorPix ( In addition to a broad set of AI based enhancement tools, is a Film Cleaner v2. The results are outstanding. You can start using the service without a plan, just pay as you go, or you can move into a plan, and then also advance through their plan schedule, with each advancement crediting you for what you have already paid. In addition to offering an AI based tool directed specifically at the needs of film digitization, it also benefits from running on optimized servers giving a significant step up in processing time over what I could achieve on my home computers. Basic processing costs with even the entry plan run about 50 cent/minute of film run time.
  3. The next step is exposure correction/color grading. In truth, this is even true for the top end players in the modern video industry. Getting color, exposure, contrast and saturation really right is what takes you over the finishline. For this, after downloading my file(s) that I've cleaned up using TensorPix's Film Cleaner v2, I bring them back in to DaVinci Resolve. When it comes to color correcting, etc. everything you need is also in the free version. It's not intuitive, but it's how the pros do it, so I figured I should get on board. After some study (online tutorials and Youtube videos) I've extremely pleased that I've made the learning investment. You will find that you need to brake your video into individual scenes, based on the the the lighting each was filmed under. But correcting each seen - assuming you take the time - will result in wonderful results.
Sorry for the long posting, but I figured many are in the same place and summarizing the full workflow would be helpful.
I've been reading the various forums and couldn't find a consensus on the editing timeline frame rate. The recommendations for the 20 fps footage run the gamut from 24p, 30p, 60p. Do you have a preference? I'm leaning towards 24p and slowing down the footage to around 80%. My final output will be for youtube.


New Tinkerer
Jan 12, 2024
Hi and thank you for your work on the firmware for the Kodak Reelz 1.0. I purchased mine on eBay from a seller in the Philippines. Mine was already used when I bought it and the counter is at 180+. The machine worked when I got it and it still works. I was able to install the firmware successfully. The machine ran correctly through a reel, but when the reel was finished, it froze up. I am pretty sure it crashes for the same reason as another person on this discussion due to the counter being over 10. I was forced to unplug and replug the power. I tried 3 different versions of the 1.0 firmware you made and posted online. I ended up reinstalling the original firmware because it would crash each time I tried to capture. Is there a fix I missed seeing in the discussion? I have read through a couple of times and I haven't read where anyone has found a work around. Is there a work around? I would love to be able to capture higher quality. Thanks again!


New Tinkerer
Feb 2, 2024
Has anyone confirmed any material difference between the 1.0 Reelz and 2.0 Reels models?

I have the 2.0 on order but could buy a 2nd hand 1.0 Reelz and save 33% or more.

I have a lot of family film to process and don’t mind spending the extra $250 (Canadian $) but if there is no difference maybe I save a few bucks and get one sooner than later.


New Tinkerer
Feb 5, 2024
Hello, I am writing from Italy.
I own numerous 8mm films of my dad and grandfather, home material, but also family memories that I wanted to digitize before the films, now more than 50 years old, got too damaged. Unfortunately to convert all them with professional services the costs would have been too high, and digitizing by projector and camera, though it gave decent results, required too much work. I have been following frame-by-frame digitization products for years, I was thinking of digitizing all the material at home and then selecting the best films to have them converted by a professional, but I had not found a scanner model at an affordable price that had the features I was interested, in such as good resolution, acceptable lenses, adequate frame rate and a high bitrate that would allow me to reprocess the video, without losing too much quality. Reading this forum convinced me that the "Kodak Reels" was an interesting product especially because of the great work that Mac84 and all the other enthusiasts have been doing, optimizing the firmware to maximize resolution, quality, and bit rate. Really a lot of compliments for the work done!!!

So I just bought Kodak Reels on Amazon and got version 2.0. I tried it first with factory settings and everything worked fine, so I wanted to try the optimized firmware I found on the forum, with higher rosolution and framerate (V2). Unfortunately, after re-flashing the device's display is completely "stoned" and, although still usable for basic functions such as centering, configurations, etc., it does not allow "understandable" display of the image. I have tried loading the different firmwares, as well as restoring the original 2.0 firmware (again taken from the forum), without success.

I wanted to ask if others also had the same problem, especially those who own European "reels" models received already with V2.0, I don't think it is a hardware problem because it appeared only after loading the first modified firmware. I hope someone can help me "restore" the display. The movie digitizing function, on the other hand, works properly. I'm grateful for any suggestions. Raffaele



New Tinkerer
Feb 2, 2024
This is what I was concerned about with the modified 2.0 firmware offered in this thread, as it seems it hasn't been tested yet (the author doesn't have a 2.0 model).

I also have the Reels model with 2.0 stock firmware and have not bothered with the modified firmware. I'm scanning my wife's family films from the 1970's and am happy with the results using sharpness at -2.0 and then I zoom all the way out/center the frame so I can crop later using Divinci Resolve etc. and get as much of the original image as possible, not digitally zoomed by Kodak.

Hopefully you get your machine working again, but you might have to return it if you can't restore the original firmware. Not ideal for wherever you bought it from, and perhaps not even possible.

If all you're doing is looking at the films to decide which to have professionally cleaned/digitized, an inexpensive manual film viewer would work and be a lot faster. I'm happy enough with the Kodak results to skip the professional scanning, and none of my films have sound so I'm not missing out on that.


Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
Has anyone confirmed any material difference between the 1.0 Reelz and 2.0 Reels models?

I have the 2.0 on order but could buy a 2nd hand 1.0 Reelz and save 33% or more.

I have a lot of family film to process and don’t mind spending the extra $250 (Canadian $) but if there is no difference maybe I save a few bucks and get one

I have both models now. The insides are largely identical. However, the CPU chip has slightly different ID codes on it. This may mean it's similar, or the same. This may mean that software needed to be modified in order to make it work. Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing the differences involved, etc.

There could even be "silent" hardware changes with modified hardware changes we're not aware of. For example, a variant of the 2.0 version could have a different CPU or camera, but still be labeled as the 2.0 inside the "About" section, we won't known until someone rips one apart.
Hello, I am writing from Italy.
I own numerous 8mm films of my dad and grandfather, home material, but also family memories that I wanted to digitize before the films, now more than 50 years old, got too damaged. Unfortunately to convert all them with professional services the costs would have been too high, and digitizing by projector and camera, though it gave decent results, required too much work. I have been following frame-by-frame digitization products for years, I was thinking of digitizing all the material at home and then selecting the best films to have them converted by a professional, but I had not found a scanner model at an affordable price that had the features I was interested, in such as good resolution, acceptable lenses, adequate frame rate and a high bitrate that would allow me to reprocess the video, without losing too much quality. Reading this forum convinced me that the "Kodak Reels" was an interesting product especially because of the great work that Mac84 and all the other enthusiasts have been doing, optimizing the firmware to maximize resolution, quality, and bit rate. Really a lot of compliments for the work done!!!

So I just bought Kodak Reels on Amazon and got version 2.0. I tried it first with factory settings and everything worked fine, so I wanted to try the optimized firmware I found on the forum, with higher rosolution and framerate (V2). Unfortunately, after re-flashing the device's display is completely "stoned" and, although still usable for basic functions such as centering, configurations, etc., it does not allow "understandable" display of the image. I have tried loading the different firmwares, as well as restoring the original 2.0 firmware (again taken from the forum), without success.

I wanted to ask if others also had the same problem, especially those who own European "reels" models received already with V2.0, I don't think it is a hardware problem because it appeared only after loading the first modified firmware. I hope someone can help me "restore" the display. The movie digitizing function, on the other hand, works properly. I'm grateful for any suggestions. Raffaele

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I'm sorry to hear about these issues. I only have the US model to test, and I cannot test any mods with anything besides the 1.0 and 2.0 US versions I have.

Sadly, to dump the original firmware someone needs an unmodified device and they need to solder three small wires to the main board in order to invoke a firmware dump command. This is the only way I know of how to dump the firmware, although there may be another.

Do the resulting captures appear okay if captured and then played back on your computer?

If possible, I'd see if you can return your unit and have it swapped out. I'm not an expert, but maybe there's a command in the firmware for language / region. If you navigate to the settings menu and change the language, does that seem to change anything?

This is what I was concerned about with the modified 2.0 firmware offered in this thread, as it seems it hasn't been tested yet (the author doesn't have a 2.0 model).

I also have the Reels model with 2.0 stock firmware and have not bothered with the modified firmware. I'm scanning my wife's family films from the 1970's and am happy with the results using sharpness at -2.0 and then I zoom all the way out/center the frame so I can crop later using Divinci Resolve etc. and get as much of the original image as possible, not digitally zoomed by Kodak.

Hopefully you get your machine working again, but you might have to return it if you can't restore the original firmware. Not ideal for wherever you bought it from, and perhaps not even possible.

If all you're doing is looking at the films to decide which to have professionally cleaned/digitized, an inexpensive manual film viewer would work and be a lot faster. I'm happy enough with the Kodak results to skip the professional scanning, and none of my films have sound so I'm not missing out on that.
I do now have a version 2.0 device. I only received it in December but haven't had time to post about it, that's how the 2.0 firmware was archived here. However, there may be "silent" changes inside the hardware that we're unaware of, or it may be a region-specific thing - therefore not all devices may be the same. The 2.0 mod works on my 2.0 device, but I can't obviously speak for any others. Especially those sold outside the US, they may use different items or different settings (like a screen refresh rate, etc)


New Tinkerer
Feb 2, 2024
Appreciate the response on the 1.0 vs 2.0 hardware. I'm happy enough with the factory 2.0 results for the moment. It's vastly superior to the Magnasonic FS81 I tried.

Just wish the rewind function on these things was faster. I might get a standalone rewinder to free up the digitizer between reels and speed that process up a bit.

Working to get my late father-in-law's films digitized so we can share them with his surviving siblings and other family members while they're all still around to enjoy them. Only regret is not having done it while he was still with us as this was his passion. Lots of 'boring' film of hunting and fishing trips in the Canadian north 50 years ago.


Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
Appreciate the response on the 1.0 vs 2.0 hardware. I'm happy enough with the factory 2.0 results for the moment. It's vastly superior to the Magnasonic FS81 I tried.

Just wish the rewind function on these things was faster. I might get a standalone rewinder to free up the digitizer between reels and speed that process up a bit.

Working to get my late father-in-law's films digitized so we can share them with his surviving siblings and other family members while they're all still around to enjoy them. Only regret is not having done it while he was still with us as this was his passion. Lots of 'boring' film of hunting and fishing trips in the Canadian north 50 years ago.
You're welcome, glad to know you like the results. As long as you set "Sharpen" to -1.5 the compression artifacts should be fairly limited.

Sadly my v2.0 unit's take up motor died. It's probably still under warranty, but maybe not the return window. These things are clearly quite cheaply made, it's absurd how much they're charging for them. It seems I'm not the first to have the motor break, but finding an exact replacement may be a pain... either way, if I find one - I'll make an update here.


New Tinkerer
Feb 5, 2024
I have both models now. The insides are largely identical. However, the CPU chip has slightly different ID codes on it. This may mean it's similar, or the same. This may mean that software needed to be modified in order to make it work. Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing the differences involved, etc.

There could even be "silent" hardware changes with modified hardware changes we're not aware of. For example, a variant of the 2.0 version could have a different CPU or camera, but still be labeled as the 2.0 inside the "About" section, we won't known until someone rips one apart.

I'm sorry to hear about these issues. I only have the US model to test, and I cannot test any mods with anything besides the 1.0 and 2.0 US versions I have.

Sadly, to dump the original firmware someone needs an unmodified device and they need to solder three small wires to the main board in order to invoke a firmware dump command. This is the only way I know of how to dump the firmware, although there may be another.

Do the resulting captures appear okay if captured and then played back on your computer?

If possible, I'd see if you can return your unit and have it swapped out. I'm not an expert, but maybe there's a command in the firmware for language / region. If you navigate to the settings menu and change the language, does that seem to change anything?

I do now have a version 2.0 device. I only received it in December but haven't had time to post about it, that's how the 2.0 firmware was archived here. However, there may be "silent" changes inside the hardware that we're unaware of, or it may be a region-specific thing - therefore not all devices may be the same. The 2.0 mod works on my 2.0 device, but I can't obviously speak for any others. Especially those sold outside the US, they may use different items or different settings (like a screen refresh rate, etc)

Hello and thank you for the answers
I was aware that loading a non-original firmware could create problems, maybe there is some small difference in the hardware and consequently also in the software that caused a mismatch. I have already checked if through the menus some settings were possible, but nothing changes. I don't plan to return the device also because the digitizing works well and the images are correct even with the Higher Bitrate - Original Resolution (V2) version. Maybe if someone in the meantime will be able to dump the firmware from a new version and would like to make it available, I will be happy to try it!!! Thanks again, now all I have to do is listen for hours and hours to that nice "metronome" noise.... Raffaele